We found a rare stash of original Pigpen photos,
with extraordinary provenance.
These five historic pieces are now available for sale.

A very generous portion of the proceeds will benefit Center Point Self-Care

Mike Hagen is Ken Kesey’s college friend, and one of the “Original 13” Merry Pranksters
Mike was the cameraman of the infamous bus footage from Further.
When their Acid Test friends, the Grateful Dead, needed a hand with growing gig demands Mike sent his brother Johnny Hagen down to become their road crew “quippie”.
This 1973 Rolling Stone article describes the relationship:
“Actually the original guy from Pendleton was Johnny Hagen,
who was the brother of Kesey’s buddy Mike Hagen.
He came on when the Dead asked for somebody from the Kesey bus.”
Johnny passed away long ago, and some of his belongings were stashed in his brother Mike’s home in Oregon.
A forgotten box of Johnny’s personal items was found last summer when I was cleaning out an old delivery truck at Mike’s. It contained many goodies, and Mike graciously agreed to sell a few special items.
These original Herb Greene photos are of the Grateful Dead Vocalist and Keyboardist for the Ron McKernan, known affectionately as “Pigpen”.
They are printed on Kodak photo paper. They are signed by photographer Herb Greene, but these prints are Not numbered, they were not part of a print series.
They are original personal prints from 1967, given to the man and friend who hauled Pig’s rig around.
A very generous portion of the proceeds will benefit Center Point Self-Care, an Internal Strengthening system based on Chi-Kong and Meditation that is endorsed by Carolyn Garcia, Alan Trist and Nicki Skully, who found remarkable health benefit using Center Point.
Authenticity and provenance certificates are included with each print that have been properly researched, prepared, and registered at ntwrk.one.
This display-quality item is autographed by Mike Hagen in his original hand, printed on legal-sized parchment, with holographic seal, ribbon, and exclusive online data reference (a photo of Mike signing is included).
A handsome historical reference, this document accurately underscores the rare value of these items and serves as a reflection of that value.